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The Witnessing Heart – the practice of unconditional presence
april 5, 2024 kl 18:30 - april 7, 2024 kl 17:00

The Witnessing Heart
The practice of unconditional presence
5Rhythms® heartbeat workshop in Helsinki
“The witnessing and the heart are one and the same thing. If you witness you will be centered in the heart, or if you are centered in the heart you will become the witness” Osho
What is witnessing? I love the way how Ram Dass explains it: “The witness place inside you is simple awareness, the part of you that is aware of everything — just noticing, watching, not judging, just being present, being here now.”
During this weekend we will practice witnessing our selves and each other in movement, with the purpose of inviting unconditional presence. We use our inner and outer eyes to witness and sense the shifts and changes while exploring the 5Rhythms heartbeat map. We allow and support our moving bodies in all their creative shapes to shine light and awareness where it’s needed. We welcome the whole spectrum of movement between subtle and sweaty, mild and wild, etheric and ecstatic.
Calling breath into being to ground our presence. Inviting the body into loving motion and your emotions into articulation and expression. Knowing how to lean into trust and release when needed. Seeing and finding the generous way we can be and share our feelings. Connecting to the creative compassion to melt into healing.
The 5Rhythms® Heartbeat map offers an embodied path to practice emotional awareness and intelligence through the movement language of our own bones, breath and muscles. The five main emotional areas we investigate are fear, anger, sadness, joy and compassion.
The core of this dance practice is to cultivate curiosity and compassion in the unfolding of our discovery into these emotional landscapes. We practice fluidity with our feelings to self regulate, with out getting caught up or identified with them.