5Rhythms New Year´s movement workshop

Ccap Körbärsvägen 9 nb, Stockholm

✨ Point of Passage 5Rhythms New Year´s movement retreat med Jonas Klingberg www.bodymoves.se ✨ Ett livsbejakande och stämningsfullt nyårsfirande i gemenskap. Ännu ett år och solvarv som hittar sitt avslut där en fortsättning och ny början tar vid. ✨ Vi tar tid att reflektera och summera våra insikter från årets genomlevda erfarenheter. Vi ger utrymme […]

Hearticulation – 5Rhythms® Heartbeat workshop in Stavanger

Hearticulation Exploring emotional embodiment & resilience 5Rhythms® Heartbeat workshop During this weekend together of articulating the heart we will give ourselves permission and space to find the grounded flow of our emotions. We will allow our feelings to find embodiment, expression and release. We will practice the ability to face all range of emotions without […]

The Witnessing Heart – the practice of unconditional presence

The Witnessing Heart The practice of unconditional presence 5Rhythms® heartbeat workshop in Helsinki “The witnessing and the heart are one and the same thing. If you witness you will be centered in the heart, or if you are centered in the heart you will become the witness” Osho What is witnessing? I love the way how […]